Anxiety: How Can I Stop Feeling Anxious All The Time?

Anxiety Panic Attacks

Many people think that anxiety and feeling anxious all the time is one of those things you just have to learn to live with, like stress, a part of normal living in the 21st century.

Some even think anxiety is essential, after all how could you protect your child, give it safety guidance if you weren’t a little anxious about all the muggings and knife crime? Wouldn’t being complacent put my family in danger?

And if I wasn’t feeling anxious about money how would I get the incentive to go to work every day to that boring job I have?

Surely there are some very real things out there to be anxious about?

The answer is being anxious does not help at all.

Anxiety is not useful. it doesn’t put you in a resourceful state to deal with a disaster or help a loved one. Anxiety will not save you under any circumstances whatsoever.

Anxiety can range from mild feelings of unease to full blown anxiety attacks. Whatever your anxiety symptoms are, it is impossible to think straight or make a good logical decision while being anxious.

Anxiety is a state where your feelings do not match the present circumstances.

If you think about where you are now, are you in any danger as you are sitting here reading this? Now I cannot know where you are or what is going on but I can guess that for most people you are quite safe at the moment, no tigers ready to pounce and certainly no need for adrenaline to be pumping round your body ready for fight or flight.

Our emotions, our feelings are simply feedback as to how we are doing and the feelings that accompany anxiety are simply telling you that you are not responding appropriately to the situation. You are not going mad, you will not always be like this, you are simply in a state of unnecessary alert. What a relief to know that.

With EmoTrance we simply identify where an unpleasant feeling is in our body then soften and flow that feeling away.

You do not need to feel bad. Feeling bad is not useful, ever, and getting rid of that anxious feeling will then enable you to think clearly and make better decisions for you and your family.

Here’s a case history of a telephone session I had with a lady that instantly cleared an awful feeling that she had had since her husband had left her two years ago.

A lady phoned me the other day about EmoTrance. She wanted to know more about it after reading an article in a magazine about relationships which had mentioned the technique and she was desperate to know what it was and how many sessions she would need as she had been suffering for so long.

I asked her what the problem was and she said she had this terrible feeling since she found out her husband was having an affair and then left her two years ago which she just could not get rid of, whatever she did, it was there day and night despite her best efforts to get on with her life.

She couldn’t put her finger on what it was, anger, guilt, sadness or the sheer terror of being on her own now and raising 3 small children. I asked her where she felt it in her body and told her to put her hands there and she instantly said, my chest, like an enormous weight which just won’t lift and some days feel it is going to squash the life out of me.

I told her that the feeling was only an energy as there obviously wasn’t a heavy weight on her chest at this moment and that because it is only energy she can move it with her intention. I asked her where she thought the energy might like to go and within moments she said, “Oh my god! It’s gone up and out the top of my head!”

I then asked her how her chest felt now and she was astonished and said absolutely fine. I told her to think about her husband and she said she still felt nothing, it was gone, and there was such relief in her voice as she started to laugh.

“Oh my god that’s amazing, I have my life back, thank you so much!” were the last words I heard from her as she hurriedly put the phone down.

Now I know EmoTrance is quick but that conversation was about two minutes long, absolute maximum, and with a woman who had had no experience of energy therapies in her life before.

I think we were both equally astonished at the end of that call and I just shook my head and smiled at the wonder of this extraordinary technique and how much suffering can be relieved so simply and quickly.

EmoTrance is very easy to learn by yourself but if you have been suffering from anxiety for a while it’s nice to have some support from someone who has experience and can help you move the feelings quickly and also show you how to carry on using EmoTrance every day to make your life a whole lot more relaxed, brighter and joyful.

If you think you’d benefit from EmoTrance and would like to give it a go, book a session with me.

Nicola Quinn

Author, Life Without Panic Attacks


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